NDP Newsletter – May 2024


Hi There,

Welcome to our month of May NDP newsletter.

Local news:Last month we introduced our President Tanis Brown. This month, meet me – Louise Mignault. I am the VP and newsletter volunteer. Periodically I will get in touch with you to let you know what’s going on, especially in matters of interest to the NDP. We have maintained a very low profile in the past and our executive is committed to changing that. Feel free to respond to me with any ideas you might have as we rebuild our party locally. I’ll be happy to bring them to the executive. As well, feel free to send me information that could be included in our newsletter.

Local news:

The Cornwall and District Labour Council held a public meeting on May 1st at the Legion. The guest speakers were Chandra Pasma the NDP MPP for Ottawa-West Nepean, Gillian Axten the OPSEU Chief Steward at St. Lawrence College representing academic staff, and Adrienne McEwan, president of the Teacher Bargaining Unit Executive of the OSSTF District 26 (Upper Canada) representing permanent contract teachers.  

The discussion revolved around the provincial government’s deliberate underfunding of Ontario public education and how cuts directly affect the curriculum and overall educational experience for Ontario school and college students.

If you wish to read more about Ontario’s dismal educational funding and how it affects your children, grandchildren and your community you can find more information here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZK1Vgc99q167IjQ5vKvXxutUZRZYFVTU/view

This excellent Twitter thread from Chandra Pasma breaks it down in a very easy to understand way.   https://twitter.com/ChandraPasma/status/1785711394379182507

Important notice:

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. It will be rescheduled in the fall.

May 5, 10 am to 4 pm. Location: Ottawa

The Eastern Ontario NDP Council is hosting a gathering of NDP members from the 19 ridings from Kawartha Lakes to Cornwall to share ideas on preparing for the coming federal and Ontario elections.. Details to come.

Save the date:

Wednesday, May 15 

5 pm. Location:  St. Hubert’s restaurant (705 Brookdale, Cornwall. Corner of 7th) 

This is an open invitation to anyone interested in all things NPD and progressive politics. Please join us for a coffee, drink and or meal to meet and exchange ideas with fellow progressives.  No programs or presentations – just a chance to chat with like-minded people from your community! We hope to see you there! St.Hubert’s knows we are coming so ask for us and they will bring you to our table.

Save the date:

Thursday, May 30

4 to 5 pm. Location:  Outside MPP Nolan Quinn’s office, 120 Second St. West

The Ontario Health Coalition has organized a province-wide protest against the privatization of public healthcare & hospital services in Ontario. If you value public healthcare, please come and show your support.

Provincial news:

NDP: Stiles: ‘People have gone to jail for deleting government emails’

Ontario NDP and Official Opposition Leader, Marit Stiles, responded to new information on the Greenbelt scandal that confirms staff deleted emails. Article HERE

Federal news:

NDP: Reality Check – Will Poilievre fire the lobbyists that pull the strings of his party?

Pierre Poilievre isn’t fooling anyone when he says he’s listening to the people, not corporate lobbyists or wealthy elites. It’s not just his words that are rich – the Conservative Party’s governing council is too. Article HERE

Take care & have a great month of May.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions or if you wish to be removed from this mailing list please contact Louise Mignault at: louisemignault@sdsgndp.ca.